Archive | interviews

14 April 2008 ~ Comments Off on Scandinavia here we come

Scandinavia here we come

Some last words from us before we enter the tour van together with Smash the Statues to leave for the north. We're really looking forward to play territories we've never been before and we've heard great stories about. We'll keep you up to date through updates and tour reports.

We received some more photo's from the release show we did on March 21 in Arnhem. Check our picasa picture site for the last additions we got from Lars Jansen.

We keep receiving new reviews from our record. below is the review Fret Magazine (Dutch) wrote about us.

Antillectual – Testimony
Since the succesful debut album Silencing Civilization (2005) Antillectual’s sound changed little. On the new CD Testimony the Nijmegen based punk band still sounds loud, raw and very determined. Especially singer/guitarist Willem adds a great emotional value to the songs with his singing and guitar parts. He sounds best in the more melodic punk rock songs. Particularly in the modest I Hate Myself When I Shave Myself he strikes the right tone. Testimony starts off euphoric with the title track and stays that way until the beautiful and accessible final song I Hope You Got My Letter. There’s not much too laugh about on Testimony and the message that Antillectual has for its listeners, is very obvious. With the current lack of serious substance in mind, Testimony is a release that definitely should be cherished. wrote this:

Antillectual from the Netherlands are the antithesis of their band name. This young band, who just released their second album, not only packed a lyrics sheet into the splendidly looking digipack, but they also explain the background of every song, which is a good idea, as it makes you understand their motivations much better. Ranging from the personal to the political, I mostly agree with their points of view, although at times they are a little too radical for me. In my opinion, it rarely is ok to smash windows and throw bricks (On Its Own), and by accusing Al Gore of making money out of Global Warming (Waste = Food), they may have a point, but Al Gore opened the eyes of more people than a DIY punk band ever will.
Musically, the album is bookmarked by two slower and longer songs, the four minute opener Testimony which has some nice piano parts, and the seven minute closer I Hope You Got My Letter. In between Antillectual attacks with short but surprisingly melodic punk rock songs. The vocals are shared by the three members of the band and sound raw, charismatic and to the point. Their technical capacities on their instruments are just as perfect, and it’s great how filled their songs are despite them only being a three-piece. Most of the times, they sound like a Europeanised Strike Anywhere, but the melodic I Hate Myself When I Shave Myself shows them from a mellower side.
Testimony is more than just a very good album. It’s a labour of love, with songs that are not merely entertainment, but which also carry a message which is definitely important to the band. To make it easier to get the album, it’s been released on different labels in different countries: Fond Of Life (Germany), Infected (Portugal), No Reason (Italy), Rise Or Rust (Austria), Shield (Netherlands) and Youth Way (France). Furthermore, instead of putting a copyright on their music, they released Testimony under the Creative Commons licence, which makes it legal to burn your own copies. What better way to spread your message?
Antillectual attacks with short but surprisingly melodic punk rock songs. The vocals are shared by the three members of the band and sound raw, charismatic and to the point.
Their technical capacities on their instruments are just as perfect, and it’s great how filled their songs are despite them only being a three-piece. Testimony is more than just a very good album. It’s a labour of love, with songs that are not merely entertainment, but which also carry a message.

If you want to improve your Italian (or your English) there's a perfect occasion on There you can find an interview with us in both Italian and English. About the new record, politics, other bands and selling out.

That's it for now. Hope to see you on the road or behind your computer. Take care. 

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30 March 2008 ~ Comments Off on Interview bobby in a volvo

Interview bobby in a volvo

Hello all, recovered from the Give It a Name news? We haven't. Feel free to spread the word.

Bobby In a Volvo from Belgium did an interview with us and posted it online, for those interested you can check it here.

If you heard our new album and you're interested in some older tunes, you can still listen to/stream our old album "Silencing Civilization" on our Pure Volume account, "befriend" us, please.

We added some new shows. But still: not enough! We wanna play play play! If you can get us a gig: nice!

For the people that want to get in contact with us, it's better to email us directly than send a message on our myspace. We receive myspace messages, but we check mail more often and it simply works way easier for us. Looking forward to your email!

That's it for now! Take care!

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25 February 2008 ~ Comments Off on Interviews, Testimony stream & more

Interviews, Testimony stream & more

Holland's biggest music site – – put our new album in its "Luisterpaal". You can now stream the entire album here. I guess they put it up in mono, that's why the quality isn't 100% (only 95%), but you get a very nice impression. Try before you buy!

More and more reviews are coming our way, mainly from Italy where No Reason Records is doing their best to get "Testimony" out there. But, unfortunately, they are all in Italian. Once we have a translation, we'll put them online. For all Italians, please check them here directly:

Recensione Rock Ambula
Recensione Long Live Rock 'n' Roll

And an interview in Italian as well:
Interview Long Live Rock 'n' Roll

Also, there is a live video of among others Friendly Fire on youtube. If you have more videos of our shows or whatever, we'd be honoured if you put them online and/or send us the file or link where we can find it. Thanks to Trilobart for this video. Our own Youtube account can be found here

And last, this month's Up Magazine features an interview with us, and has an amazing review up for our album too. Please check it out if you're interested. More paper zines!

That's it for now I guess. If you have news for us, let us know!

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22 February 2007 ~ Comments Off on i’ve had second thoughts about belgium

i’ve had second thoughts about belgium

first of all a big "thank you!" to all the nice people that came to see us in oostende. we got such amazing responses, it was a great show. wuft!

the second "thank you!" goes out to all the people that read our tour report and gave all those nice comments. i hope it made clear we really had a blast on this tour. you can still read it right here.

speaking of which, at youtube you can find some sort of video compilation of our show in l'autan, toulouse, check it here, but don't expect anything fancy. and don't watch it when you're on drugs.

there's an interview online with the people from our label, angry youth records, at (in dutch, sorry!). read it and find out how they've become what they are. we recently did an interview with a swedish e-zine called skrutt. they have an enormous amount of interviews online, so you should check their site anyway, but here's the direct link to our interview. take a minute and sit down for it. it will be worth it.

some more foreign news: the belgian sampler from kick ass records has arrived and is for sale through our merchandise section. some other belgian news, how coincidental: the "bobby in a volvo"-online sampler is online as well! you can download one of our previously undownloadable songs and loads of cool european punkrock tunes at their website. expect the long awaited triebwerk sampler in next week.

and last: we have a new show to announce in eindhoven in may. for those who might show up! take care and hope to see you soon. 

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20 October 2006 ~ Comments Off on not so good news

not so good news

unfortunately there have been some show cancellations for several reasons. because of a misunderstanding and -communication between the belgian and dutch bookers of the rentokill show in mol (b.) we won't be able to play there december 9. we're very sorry, we'd have loved playing there ourselves. and because of my (willem) chronic throat infection and the surgery i (willem) will undergo next week, we (antillectual) won't be playing the show of october 28 in the winston in amsterdam. the show will go on, of course, so go there, it will be the good bye show of all under age drummer joris. last chance to catch him live. a more positive note: we're also added to the burning heads show in eindhoven january 25.

and smashed images, the nijmegen based, arnhem terrorizing fanzine has put an interview with us online. check it here. it's not quite new, bob speaks his mind in stead of riekus, even though the pics make everything look newer. for the main site. we'll bring you more positive news next time. no promise, just a threat.

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