Archive | interviews

05 November 2004 ~ Comments Off on new propaganda central

new propaganda central

and we're back. permanently. our propaganda central found its new home and connection to the digital world. life can go on again. so we updated some band links, added some links, new shows, you know the procedure. our guest book keeps getting bugged by viruses and if we can't do anything against it, we'll get a new one. but then all your messages get lost, and that would be a shame. but there's nothing else we can do for now. we'll be playing in one of our hometowns this sunday, nijmegen, and it would be pretty cool if you showed up! just to let you know …
 oh, and we added the interview we did with 3voor12 in september about our u.s.a.-tour. it's in dutch unfortunately, but it has some pictures you can read in any language. look under 'band' or here. take care!

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17 September 2004 ~ Comments Off on 3 voor 12

3 voor 12

hi there! our propaganda central will be moved and that's the exact reason why there's so little updates lately, we apologize. upcoming wednesday we'll finish the recordings for the gelderland-sampler, we have no clue when it will be released though, and bands are still being added to the list. we'll let you know!, a dutch music site has interviewed us about our u.s.a.-tour. you can read the interview (in dutch …) and take a look at some tour pictures here .
 we have dates for the recordings of our new full-length: the last 2 weeks of october, will be the first part of the sessions we scheduled.
 that's it for now, hope to be back soon! buy! … uhh … bye!!

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15 December 2003 ~ Comments Off on inter/review


not only a review but an interview with antillectual is posted on the belgian internetzine too. you can find both interview and review on this very site as well. the interview can be found in the band-section, the review in the music-section. by the way, our guestbook is online again: speak!

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